Getting a small business working capital loan can help your business cover essential costs during challenging times, enabling you to keep your business moving. While they are not meant to cover long-term expenditures like real estate or equipment, they can help ensure your most immediate expenses are covered without worry.
Hunter & Wolfinstein can help you and your business get the loan you need to continue on without interruption. When you come to us, we take the time to understand your needs, provide guidance on how to best meet those needs, and help you secure the loan that’s best for you when the time comes. Here’s how we can help you.
While these loans can be essential for helping bridge financial gulfs during challenging times, they are not recommended for expenses that are not most immediate. Commonly, they are used to cover:
Because of their nature, they come with shorter repayment terms, unlike other types of small business loans. Many business owners turn to banks to get their loans, as they sometimes offer relatively low annual percentage rates. However, this can be a tricky route to go; banks are often harsher on those with lower credit scores and incomes. This means that your odds of rejection may be higher than when turning to someone like Hunter & Wolfinstein to help you secure your loan.
If you’ve been turned down by a bank, or just want to avoid potential rejection and headaches, we can help you get the loan you need to keep your business moving smoothly. Whether you need a small loan or a loan up to $1 million, we have the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to make sure you get your money.
We understand that getting a loan as fast as possible is critical, especially during economic hardships many face in 2020. We do this regardless of:
Each loan is unsecured, meaning that neither collateral nor personal guarantees are required for you to apply and receive your loan, getting the money into your operations faster and with fewer strings attached.
Hunter & Wolfinstein believe that each business owner who takes the risk to bring their dream to life deserves the financial support to do so, especially when times are tough. Your loan helps you execute on a number of initiatives to stabilize, expand, or market your business.
We also realize that you don’t have the time to wait around for lingering approval processes. When you come to us, we can get your funding in as few as three days through our simple application process, allowing you to get back to what matters most: running your business.
We at Hunter & Wolfinstein understand that you have many other concerns than a cumbersome loan application process—as well as waiting around for approval. We help you get the funding you need as quickly as possible, so you can continue your operation without any additional distraction. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you get the financial support you deserve.